Hyper-V 네트워킹
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최근 Hyper-v 서버 마이그레션을 진행 하는 중 HP의 DL580에서 Hyper-v virtual network가 설정 되지 않는 현상이 여려 차례 발생 해 Pysical Network 어뎁터가 Hyper-v에 어떻게 switching 이 되는 지 궁금해 하다가 아래의 포스팅을 발견 하였습니다.
DL580에서 Hyper-v 설치 후 가상 네트워가 생성 되지 않는 현상은 해당 Windows server 2008의 최신 보안 업데이트와 HP NIC를 최신 버전으로 업데이트 한 후 해결이 되었습니다......
어떤 분들은 DL580에 설치 된 NIC를 걷어 내고 다른 제조사의 NIC를 설치하여 문제를 해결 하기도 한다고 하네요.
Understanding Networking with Hyper-V
With Hyper-V the world of networking is quite different than it was with Virtual Server. First to set the scene, with Windows Server 2008 installed on a system with one network adapter you will see this under Network Connections:
Windows server 2008을 설치 한 후 하나의 네트워크 카드가 어떻게 동작하는 지 설명을 하고 있습니다.
And your system is operating like this:
Once you install Hyper-V and create a virtual network your system now operates like this:
해당 서버에 Hyper-v가 설치 될 경우 virtual Nework가 생성 되며 아래와 같이 동작 한 다는 것을 설명 하고 있습니다.
As you can see the parent partition (host operating system in Virtual Server lingo) is now using a virtual network adapter to connect to the physical network. If you look at network connections on the parent you will now see the original network adapter and a new virtual network adapter:
Hyper-v 설치 후 오리지널 physical NIC의 등록 정보를 확인 하면 virtual network switch protocol에만 체크가 되어 있고 나머지가 체크가 빠진 것을 확인 할 수 있으며 virtual network apdapter가 오리지널 NIC 의 기능을 하는 것을 확인 할 수 있습니다.
The original physical network adapter now has nothing bound to it except the Microsoft Virtual Network Switch Protocol. The virtual network adapter now has all of the standard protocols and services bound to it instead.
Some interesting things to note here:
- The virtual network adapter that appears under Network Connections will have the same name as the virtual network switch it is associated with.
- It is possible to create an 'Internal' virtual network - which will expose a virtual network adapter to the parent partition without needing to have a physical network adapter associated with it.
- Unlike with Virtual Server, Hyper-V only binds the virtual network service to a physical network adapter when a virtual switch is associated with the physical network adapter in question. The advantage of this is that you avoid the performance overhead involved with having this service enabled on network adapters that are not associated with virtual network switches, the downside is that it means that networking gets disrupted on the network adapter in question when a virtual network switch gets created or deleted.
[참고 사이트]
Understanding Networking with Hyper-V